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morons.org - Man Arrested for Using $2 Bills at Best Buy
Posted Friday, April 08, 2005 4/08/2005 09:27:00 PM

We have all had our bad experiences with Best Buy but this poor guy was arrested for using $114 in $2 bills. OK, so he was probably being an ass because the Best Buy employee "misstated" that installation was free but he didn't deserve to be arrested. Next time he should remember Bets Buys policy on customers questions:

When asked a question by a customer to which you don't know the answer simply make up whatever answer you need to close the sale. You can always deny it later.
- Best Buy Employees Manual §254.75

I believe the same policy is in effect at Fry's electronics.



  • hey very interesting blog! i too am extremely interested in "completely intresting but completely pointless stuff" (as one of my professors put it), and have spent some considerable time on a blog that does exactly that!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/10/2005 12:50:00 AM  

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